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Participatory Democracy Process Implementation
To finalize and implement participatory democracy processes within I.D.E.A., empowering engaged members to co-own and co-control the organization, fostering collective ownership, transparency, and shared purpose.
Ξεκίνησε στις:
1 January 2016 at 00:00:00

Engagement of diverse stakeholders: Regular monthly meetings involving key stakeholders from various backgrounds, focusing on feedback collection and iterative improvements to the framework.
Testing through simulations: Utilize real-case scenarios during meetings to simulate decision-making, ensuring practical application of the participatory processes.
Digital platform integration: Develop an online platform to allow members who cannot attend physically to engage in the decision-making process. This platform will also provide transparency and visibility of ongoing discussions.
Continuous evaluation and adjustments: After each session, incorporate feedback and new insights to continuously refine the democracy model.
Volunteer Tasks:
Set up and manage meeting logistics, including online and in-person formats.
Document and summarize key points and outcomes from each session.
Manage the digital platform and assist in onboarding new members.
Expert Tasks:
Facilitate discussions with key stakeholders, guiding them through process improvements.
Analyze and provide feedback on the inclusivity and transparency of the participatory models being tested.
Lead the development of a robust governance framework that ensures fair decision-making among all members.
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