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Forest Journeys: Explore, Learn, and Protect

To inspire people to reconnect with nature through fun and engaging activities, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment and encouraging a commitment to protect Greece’s remaining forests.


Empowering Minds with Erasmus+ Education Beyond Borders

To establish enduring global partnerships that promote non-formal education, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences in various fields through structured youth programs.

Athens, Greece

India Exchange Program with India (Chennai)

To build a partnership with the Swedish orphanage in Chennai, India, by hosting young adults and workers, training them in community project management, and providing them with volunteer experiences.

Lagos, Nigeria

Empowering Lagos: Food Aid and Future Projects

To train and collaborate with an emerging "IDEA Project Manager" in Lagos, Nigeria, supporting local students through the donation of school supplies and laying the foundation for future partnerships.

Athens, Greece

Volunteering for change: A journey of discovery and impact in Athens, Greece

To offer participants a transformative 10-day program combining cultural immersion, social action, and personal growth, encouraging individuals to make meaningful contributions to society.


Participatory Income Revolution: Redefining Fair Compensation

To establish a sustainable financial model that supports active volunteers and project organizers, ensuring their continued engagement in community initiatives by providing financial support.


From Idea to Impact: Start Your Own Project

To empower participants to identify areas of societal improvement and equip them with practical tools to start their own community-driven initiatives.

Athens, Greece

Workaway at IDEA Skill Sharing and Collaboration

To create a mutually beneficial experience for skilled volunteers from around the world, providing them with accommodation and meals in exchange for contributing to I.D.E.A.’s causes.


Participatory Democracy Process Implementation

To finalize and implement participatory democracy processes within I.D.E.A., empowering engaged members to co-own and co-control the organization, fostering collective ownership, transparency, and shared purpose.


Building Bridges: Urban and Eco-Community Connections

The aim is to explore ways to connect urban communities with eco-communities, fostering collaboration and relationships that can support sustainable living both in cities and rural environments.